Imagine a new reality…

You have a new body and mind. Identityless. You possess the skill to learn and experiment rapidly. Your basic needs are covered. How should you act? After some confusion, you ask the fundamentally important question.

What is the purpose of life?

Expand consciousness and increase energy.

To pursue this journey, you must learn about:

  • Skills
  • habits
  • evolution
  • awareness
  • technology
  • the environment
  • the mind & body
  • the micro & macro
  • commerce, art & science
  • the past, present & future.

Next steps:

  1. Learn how to learn.
  2. Study the 3 best fundamental books on what you wish to learn about.
  3. Experiment, explain and apply to life.
  4. Keep iterating.
  5. Repeat with a new subject.

So, what is your purpose in life?

Align your everyday actions with it.